The Top Forty
The articles on this page are virtually all five-star articles. In fact, it is how they were selected for this page. These are the most popular articles on our website, and most of them are available to the general public too. Read and enjoy!

The social conscience often tells us to do the right thing, but to do it for the wrong reason. It usually comes from our parents (especially our mothers). Real change comes when we find a higher source of direction than the social conscience. When we do, we will be able to see through (and outsmart) those who operate only at the level of social conscience.
(See also
Forsaking Your Parents,
Fear of Public Opinion, and
Cannibals for Christ.)
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False teachings are popular because they say what we want to hear. It's easy to convince ourselves that we have found enlightenment, when all we've done is to replace an uncomfortable truth with a more convenient teaching. This article includes examples of teachings people have concocted to allow themselves to go on being selfish. One of our best.
(See also
The Golden Thread,
Reject Us, Reject God, and
Truth in Isolation.)
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A church without a creed? Won't it lead to confusion? Actually, we have more unity than most, simply because we can trust God to lead us together into his truth.
(See also
Non-Christian Religions.)
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When you find yourself in the midst of a testing time, the lessons you learn from this short essay may be just what you need to turn the test into a victory. It's one of our favourites!
(See also
The Revolution, and
The Cross.)
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A re-write of the parable of the Good Samaritan. God is not interested in your religion. He's more interested in things like love, faith, and honesty.
(See also
What is Faith?)
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This is one of our most widely published articles... not published by ourselves, but by numerous magazines and other sites throughout the world. It has been copied so many times that we don't know ourselves where all it has appeared. We get a lot of mail from people around the world thanking us for liberating them in this area that is so riddled with unnecessary guilt.
(See also
Sex Sense.)
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This one comes from a Scottish "Primitive Quaker". He shows that real unity can only come from devotion to the One who sits at the top of the mountain. Confusion results if we get obsessed with the many different paths, some of which actually lead away from the One at the top.
(See also
Universalism, Pros and Cons, and
The Tolerance Myth.)
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"Judges" have a poor image in today's world. This study puts a different slant on the command that is usually taken as a rule against judging.
(See also
The Tolerance Myth.)
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An in-depth comparison of medical science, alternative medicine, and faith healing. It considers the strengths and weaknesses of each, and calls for a combination of the best of all three to bring about a truly effective healing ministry. It was written as a guide for the staff at a medical clinic that we set up in India in the 1990's. (See also
Alternative Medicine, and
Academic Towers of Babel.)
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A short essay to overcome petty disputes between husbands and wives, reminding them that they are playing on the same team, and that points scored against a partner count against themselves as well. Recommended for all team workers, as well as married couples.
(See also
The Battle of the Sexes.)
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The Two Witnesses of The Revelation are linked with other references to two or three witnesses in the New Testament. Shows how many who claim to be one of the Two Witnesses have missed a fundamental lesson about learning to work with others.
(See also
Living in Community, and
Loose Cannons.)
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