Strong Meat
You won't find many of these available to the general public. In some cases it's because the subject is controversial, but more often than not, it's just stuff that relates to the special circumstances encountered when living in a Christian community.

Sooner or later every adolescent will disagree with their parents about something. When the disagreement relates to a decision to follow Jesus, it takes courage as well as tact to express it well. This study offers answers to questions parents may have on such subjects as sex, finances, and breaking the law.
(See also
The Narrow Way,
We See What We Want to See, and
Wise Doves.)
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Half-hearts try to control God, rather than let God control them. They confuse their own pride and opinions with the voice of God, and kick against the very people that they should be supporting. Their fear stops them from leaving a group, at the same time that it stops them from lending full support. The freest people are those who are totally controlled by God. Get off the fence and choose.
(See also
Fear Not!,
Malcontents, and
Fear of the Devil.)
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A brief account of the two whipping trials held in 2006, and the reasoning behind them. This article particularly focuses on misconceptions people have about violence.
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Four incredible claims by Jesus are examined here, to see if there is a link between them. Was Jesus seriously intending us to take him literally when he taught them? Find out for yourself.
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This is the how-to of setting up a personal program for empowering yourself. Worth re-reading from time to time.
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Real love involves rules. Satan's counterfeit (which has captured the imagination of so much of the world today) omits repentance and even forgiveness. Check and you will see that the word "if" precedes almost all of the promises in the Bible. "If" is the key word in locating the condition that God expects us to meet before we get the benefits of his grace.
(See also
The Tolerance Myth,
The Cult of Selfishness, and
Why Communes Fail.)
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Alf looks at the traditionally negative process of projections, and discusses how it can become a positive process if we are sincerely trying to know the truth, about ourselves as well as about others.
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This one follows on from Part 1, written by Cherry. It was written on Christmas Eve, 2006, and relates to persecution which led to Reinhard almost being killed, and how we can actually rejoice when we are persecuted.
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Casey takes a radically different look at evil, at Jesus' teaching about not resisting evil, and at how evil can bring about good in those of us who stop running away from it and the discomfort that it can cause to ourselves.
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This study emphasises one of the Eight Ways to Know God's Will. Revelations need interpretations and interpretations need applications if they are to be effective.
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When we are criticised, a sincere apology is often replaced with "Okay, I'll work on it." This is an attempt to avoid the real thing, and it's not okay.
(See also
Advice for Counsellors.)
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The word "recruit" is up there with cult, brainwashing, and manipulate, as implying something evil when it's not there. We are probably less geared toward"recruiting" than most other groups, but our new DVD is a little more blatant in focusing attention on ourselves.
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Everybody follows certain rules and disciplines, so what is it that makes Christian rules and disciplines different from those of the rest of the world?
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It takes a miracle for anyone to receive God's ultimate Truth, and short of that, people are all going to reject it. This is explained more in detail in this article.
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This is really an article about pride, and how it can get us into arguments that lead nowhere.
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Is loyalty a vice or a virtue? When is it right to loyal, and when is it wrong? And what about traitors? These are questions addressed in this article.
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A community member writes to another brother in the community who was going through temptations after visiting his family. Sadly, the brother who wrote this letter gave in to temptations a few months later, and left the community.
(See also
The Cuddlies, and
Forsaking Your Parents.)
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Dave draws a comparison between himself and Joe's mother in an attempt to find strategies which would work equally for both when confronted with someone who strongly disagrees with us.
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A serious look at sanity, and how one manages to maintain it in a world of turmoil.
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7 January, 2007 (by Ross)Sadly, this article was written by Ross, who himself is now backslidden and extremely bitter. Nevertheless, it serves as a reminder to the rest of us that we can have the theory, but unless we practice it, we too could end up just as bitter and just as lost one day.
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A check list of things individual bases need to consider with regard to personal growth. This article marked a turning point in our community, as each base was given financial and spiritual independence. It gives a good insight into our various disciplines.
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Along with understanding our unworthiness, we must also understand our authority in Christ. If we are honestly doing our best to share the truth with people, and they reject us, there is a good chance that they are doing it because the truth has convicted them. At some point we need to warn them of the seriousness of doing this... even if it sounds arrogant when we do so.
(See also
Peace that Disturbs,
Solid as a Rock, and
No Neutrals.)
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Another article distributed outside a churchy youth meeting (at Deakin University). This one aimed at getting young people to question the false grace teaching, and to accept God's right to make demands of them.
(See also
Amazing Grace, and
God's No Fool.)
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There is plenty of salt in this comparison between us and the churches when it comes to evangelism. Are we really similar? Or are we diametrically opposed to one another? Get the hard facts here.
(See also
We're Right and They're Wrong.)
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Some 'dirty linen' in this one, as Dave gets personal and names names with regard to some dishonest deeds that have occurred in the past within the Jesus Christians.
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How do you love people and brace yourself for a kick in the teeth at the same time? If we don't learn how, we'll be ripped off by a lot of sneaky snakes.
(See also
Media Interviews.)
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This kind of summarises some shifts in emphasis that Dave has noted as he grows older, especially with regard to some passages of scripture that don’t seem to jive with how most people have experienced God’s power since the days when the Bible was written.
[See also
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth.]
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Clinging to a unique self-image can blind people to the benefits of identifying with others who preach the truth. Fear and pride are two of the biggest barriers to spiritual growth.
(See also
Fear Not!, and
Total Control.)
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This article, written shortly after a big split in the community, examines the roots of that rebellion (bitterness) and the roots of that bitterness (hurt feelings over being criticised).
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One can go through the motions of obedience without opening up to the spirit of what is being taught. God is looking for more than that. (See also
When OK is not OK.)
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We must first recognise our weaknesses if we are going to grow. Others may or may not point them out, but in the end, we are the only ones who can deal with them. Sincerity requires that we face the truth about ourselves, even when it hurts.
(See also
Honest Doubt, and
Becoming Adults.)
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