Quaker Similarities
Some members of the Jesus Christians are also members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Most other members have at least attended Quaker meetings. And, at the time this was written, some of us were working with programmed Quakers in Kenya. Articles on this page relate (in a very general way) to subjects which we feel represent similarities between the teachings of Quaker in Australia (i.e. unprogrammed Quakers), and the teachings of the Jesus Christians. Some articles were written without any conscious reference to Quakerism. However, they have, on reflection, touched on subjects which are of interest to Australian Quakers, and this has led to them being added to this book. There are even a couple of articles which suggest dis-similarities between Jesus Christians and Quakers.
Please bear in mind that due to the very nature of Quakerism, no individual Quaker can make a definitive statement on what Quakers believe. The articles on this page should, in no way, be taken as representing some official statement by Friends, whether in Australia or elsewhere.

The subject is grace, and the letter is in response to a reader who questioned whether a heathen could be saved without someone preaching to him or her. This is the most complete answer to that question that we have so far given. It is recommended for anyone who is having problems with our position on the grace of God. In particular, it deals with the double-think that is so prevalent in the churches, which applies grace to people inside the institution, but the law to those outside.
(See also
Universalism, Pros and Cons,
What is Faith? and
What is a Christian?)
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This study on the Virgin Army of
Revelation 7 and 14 stresses the sincerity of members of that body. Although unprogrammed Quakers do not teach the traditional evangelical “plan of salvation” (recognition of sin, confession, a change in lifestyle, and on-going fellowship) this article suggests a link between the two different approaches, by showing how all of those steps can naturally flow from sincerity, something which does seem to be more in line with the Quaker approach to spirituality.
(See also
The Twelve Tribes,
In Search of Truth, and
The Virgin Army, part 2.)
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Most people can see the error in trusting political solutions in some areas, but they are inclined to overlook the error in other areas. Christianity is not a matter of choosing the right candidate for an earthly government; true Christianity is based on faith in a completely different kingdom, ruled by a completely different government.
(See also
Our Mission, and
Thy Kingdom Come.)
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Joe discusses this popular phrase as it relates to the JC concept of sincerity and the Quaker concept of "plain speech".
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How often have you hidden (or hidden from) the truth? Yet honesty sets people free. If others don't want to hear the truth, at least be honest with God and with yourself about what is really going on. Historically, Friends used the term “plain speech” to refer to the use of “thee” and “thou” to obliterate class distinctions; but it also lends itself well to the idea of Integrity, which is one of the fundamental Quaker “testimonies”.
(See also
Insanity, and
The True Conscience.)
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Christine has put together a thorough summary of our position with regard to water baptism in this letter to an enquirer. (Note: The enquirer later became a member.)
(See also
Water Baptism.)
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Consensus rule, while used in almost all groups at times, is seen as the most easily abused form of government, in this comparison between consensus and democracy.
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An explanation of the reasoning behind us staying with the Quakers despite widespread and persistent condemnation of ourselves by some of the weightiest Quakers in Australia.
The tensions that we are experiencing between Jesus Christians and Quakers has led many people to ask (including ourselves), "Why do you bother persevering with the Quakers? Why not leave?"
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Shows how loving enemies can actually end up making them friends, and even if it doesn't, it will make you a better friend to those who are closest to you.
(See also
Space Without Spice.)
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Miserly greed takes many forms, but one of the most depressing is the endless whinge about being poor, that so many Christians get into. Fund-raisers use it, and so do Christians who offer stingy hospitality. God loves a cheerful giver, so stop whinging and start giving.
(See also
No Strings Attached, and
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How do miracles differ from magic? For that matter, do miracles differ from magic? And what about the difference between Christian faith and primitive superstitions? Are they as different as what some people think they are?
(See also
Heal the Sick, and
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Using a favorite Quaker verse about walking in the Light, Dave reflects on his history of using the media to communicate, in contrast to people who have relied on gossip and anonymity to challenge us and the message for which we stand. It was written at a time when Quakers were saying that the Jesus Christian faith and practice is "incompatible" with Quaker faith and practice (but giving no specific examples to back it up).
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If you're tempted to blame your parents for your faults, why not change parents? This article tells you how.
(See also
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As Quakers themselves, Dave and Cherry examine what they consider to be similarities (and some differences) between Australian Quakerism and the teachings of the Jesus Christians.
(See also
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Dave writes as a Quaker to other Quakers, asking if they really want to head down the path that is being encouraged by so many weighty Quakers in New South Wales, which is to "tighten up" their theology in such a way as to be able to exclude any "cults" which may possess the power to "take over" the 350 year old Religious Society of Friends.
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Reflections on a number of disappointments that were happening at the time, and how they all had a bright side if we would just reflect on it.
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This article deals with the paradox that an organisation which does not have any avowed loyalty to Jesus appears to have come closer to following him over a period of 350 years than most other organisations that declare loudly that Jesus is their Lord and Saviour. And it considers a couple of explanations for this paradox.
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After reading Tolstoy's Confession and What I Believe, we were amazed to learn that he had experienced much the same treatment that we have experienced as a result of discovering the teachings of Jesus. It is reassuring to hear someone else affirm the truths we have found in the teachings of Jesus.
(See also
Faith and Sincerity, and
Anarchy and Pacifism.)
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This article traces the history of pacifism over the past few centuries, and comments on its consistent links with the teachings of Jesus. It calls for renewed interest in the rest of what Jesus taught, in particular, about money, the future, and living by faith.
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Careful analysis of the Catch-22 used by those who supposedly persecute us for having a persecution complex. Gets specific about some tactics used by various Australian Quakers in an effort to destroy our reputation.
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An interesting comparison between different branches of Christianity and their approaches to finding the will of God.
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Why don't we Jesus Christians have any sacraments? Sacrifices were to the Jews what sacraments have become to the institutional church. "Mercy" is hard to institutionalise, and that may be why sacraments have proven to be so much more popular.
(See also
Water Baptism, and
Living in Community.)
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According to this article, three changes are needed to make the political left truly effective in changing the world. But how many are willing to make them?
(See also
Anarchy and Pacifism.)
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